Aloesha Organic Training Institute

Foundation and Accreditation

Aloesha Organic Training Institute was founded in 2018 as a hands-on skilling center for the professionalization and practice of herbal medicine, nutritional and alternative therapy and organic product development in Uganda.

We are a licensed and accredited institute (Accreditation Number UVQF 655) and regulated by the Ministry of Education & Sports and the Directorate of Industrial Training to offer and award  certificates, diplomas and worker’s pass in Herbal Medicine and related disciplines.


Registration is on-going for the Academic year 2021. You can pick up admission forms from the campus, or at any of our branches; Masaka or Sure House.

Admissions for both long terms and short term courses take place across the year. We admit formal students who completed UCE, UACE or its equivalent for the award of certificate and diplomas in herbal medicine. Students who never got a chance to complete any of the above are admitted in our elementary department, where they are equally trained and awarded with worker’s pass. We also admit professionals who are already in the practice of medicine, community health and any other field.

Students who don’t prefer an entire course are at liberty to choose any of our course units that serves their particular need. The course units are compressed to equip the student with specific knowledge of that particular area and after a month’s study, the student is awarded with a modular certificate. All short term courses take one month one month of full time theoretical and practical training.

We offer different awards from certificates to diplomas. After completion of the course, one is accorded a Worker’s Pass to continue practising Herbal medicine legally.

  1. Certificate in Herbal Medicine – Level 1
  2. Certificate in Herbal Medicine – Level 2
  3. Diploma in Herbal Medicine
  4. Elementary Certificate (Worker’s Pass)

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Location: Nganjo, Kalule, Bombo P.O.Box 7876, Kampala, Uganda.

Contact: 0705-320 299 | 0752-940 747